Showing posts with label crayons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crayons. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2006

planes, trains and automobiles

For a good part of this year I was always busy drawing some or other kind of car, bus, train, fire-engine, motorcycle or plane. This was by enlarge due to my son's persistence ( he's two and a half , and machines are his life - the more noise, wheels, or moving parts the better) . It turned out to be an amazing excersize in that I learnt how to draw again without constraint or hesitation. In part this is what this blog is dedicated to - a free space to explore those mediums and ideas that maybe got left behind along the ever constraining and definitive path towards creative "maturity". Crayons, clay, chalkboard, fingerpaint - all these , when re-applied, seems to liberate suppressed naivety. It's as if the body remembers how it feels to create without rules. It was an immensely valuable lesson to learn.